Tuesday 28 February 2012

Analysis of Empire Magazine - Feature Article

I also deconstructed another feature article from Empire Magazine, to check out more conventions. In this deconstruction, I studied the level of formality, ratio of fact/opinion, areas of content, and the writer's voice. There is a focus on language in this deconstruction, because in the Dark Knight Rises one, I focused on graphic design and language generally. 

The language of the interview is informal: the journalist makes jokes about the director and uses a lot of language for humerous effect. 
The ratio of fact/opinion is something like 70% fact and 30% opinion. There are lots of facts and figures relating to the film, for example, how many puppets there are, how many hours it takes to do an animation, etc. There is a little bit of opinion where the journalist describes one film as 'magnificent' and another as 'lukewarm'. The opinion is sprinkled around the article, and is not really relied upon. 
There are also lots of little box-outs where the facts and figures are, which are placed in the middle of the images to create a really interesting visual and factual guide to the film for the audience. 

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